音标:['tә:minәs æd'kwem] ;
(=destination, conclusion) 目标, 结论, 终点
词型变化:名词复数形式 : terminus ad quems

terminus ad quem的用法和样例:


  1. That jeans ad targets teenage girls.这款牛仔裤以年轻女孩为目标人群。
  2. Clubs should appoint additional ad hoc committees or subcommittees as needed to address service and fellowship goals.扶轮社应视需要指派额外的特别委员会或小组委员会以满足服务和联谊的目标。
  3. Conclusion Diabetes mellitus patients had instable personalities ad psychoticism.结论糖尿病患者具有性格不稳定和精神质的个性特征。
  4. The bus arrived at the terminus.公共汽车已到达终点。
  5. In the competition she had been in lead though she stumbled near the terminus scxna and her leg was injured.赛场上她一直处于依先位置,然而在临近终点时她摔倒了,腿受了伤。

Unit 2 Text B Ad---advertisement---advertising---advetiser Attraction---attractive Designer---fashion designer post---mail produce persuade sb. To do sth. persuasion Leisure time Act---active---activi

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